It's finally time to sit down and get caught up here. Since starting the school year I haven't taken the time to update.
This year has actually started off quite well. Last year it took me most of the year to figure out how to keep up with the "busyness" of the year! This year it is still crazy busy, but I've kind of got it figured out now. I just try to remember that by Thursday night, I can finally come up for air! Here is a little bit of what our day to day consists of:
Monday afternoon Carlin's Robotics team meets. I usually pick him up anywhere from 3:45 - 5:00. We have supper--I'm learning that soup or a crockpot meal works well on this day! Shortly after 6:00 we head to the Middle School where both boys are in the youth orchestra. (Except there are older people, too!) Carlin (on violin) is in his third year of Symphony Orchestra and Kyle (on cello) is in his first year of Philharmonia. Kyle's teacher is a former Barrage student--an amazing teacher!
Tuesday night--tonight Carlin is staying at school for a welder's club. He hasn't been around too much of that before, so will be interesting to hear what he thinks of it. Kyle has piano lessons at 5:30. He keeps asking when he can quit, but I tell him not for a couple more years. His teacher really challenges him--and he usually doesn't take too long to have his songs figured out! Except for this week--maybe if he actually sat a practiced he would have better luck!
I am still working at Kyle's school this year. I am lunch assistant with three fourth grade classes. Tomorrow will be my first time to sub for special needs this year. I usually do quite a bit of subbing during the school year. In November I will sub for most of the month.
Deidre is a Senior this year! I still can't adjust my thinking to that one! Not sure what's ahead--but we've got this far! This last Saturday she had Senior pictures taken. I can't wait to see them!
Wayne has been really busy at work this past summer and fall. He has kept busy enough that he can't get his vacation time used up this year! Sunday was a 20 hour day for him and yesterday was 14 1/2. Hopefully now it will settle down a bit. I'm just glad he has a job to keep busy with!
All for now. Just got a call from Carlin--needs a ride home! I think they keep busy with all the running for them so when they turn 16 we really are ready for them to do their own driving!