Friday, October 24, 2008

A New Look

Carlin is the one sporting a new look around here. He has never complained about not being able to see, but I thought I would take him with the rest of us for our eye exams--and he needed glasses! It's fun seeing him see a whole new world out there!


Jim Weeda said...

I had a friend one time that was about 10 - 12 years old or so (don't remember exactly) before he ever knew what grass and leaves looked like. He always just thought they were green. LOL It was pretty cool to see his reaction when he finally got glasses.

The J's said...

They look good!

Huisman5 said...

Last night Carlin said he didn't know that the colors on the trees were so different! He thought they were all pretty much the same!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good, Carlin. Seein' good too, it sounds like! I can't even imagine what it would be like to not see in detail, though the print in my small hymnbook is starting to wiggle a little. I do like your new look.

Elaine T said...

Wow! you look GREAT in glasses, Carlin! And isn't it great to see things clearly, too?