Saturday, January 19, 2008

Does This Really Save Time?

I had a request to post my latest "new toy" so here it is! I can't decide whether to call it a he or she but it usually ends up being a "he"!
Roomba is a robot vacuum that cleans my kitchen and living room area. I go to work and come back to my house vacuumed! Talk about a good idea---but, while it does clean the surface area it really doesn't do deep cleaning. It picks up what all gets tracked in from outside and cleans the top layer on the rug. One thing I can't do anymore--I can't leave things laying around on the floor. I wonder if Wayne had an ulterior motive when he ordered this??? Hmmmmm!

I'll add a bit more to this. I have it set to do the kitchen on certain days and the living area on other days. On Wednesdays I have it do the whole downstairs. There are two sensors that tell it which area to do. It is kind of cool watching it start and stop. When it starts up it has a little song it plays. When it is running out of charge it works its way back to its station and pulls up on its little docking pad to recharge itself, then it plays another little tune!

It won't fall down stairs because it senses a drop and stays away from there. It will go through doorways unless you have the sensors set to keep it from other rooms. It will do the kitchen, dining/living room, and hallway in about 1 1/2 hours. Some of my rugs it doesn't like to do so I just leave them rolled up so it won't go on them.


The J's said...

So how many rooms does it do at a time, how about stair/doorways (open), AND, you'd have to pick up before you ran the vaccume cleaner anyway!! :*)

Huisman5 said...

I'll add this info to the post! Sorry I forgot!

Time to Remember said...

Thought of another question.. Is it quiet? (if it ran at night, would you think your kids were up running around? lol!) Will it go from carpet to solid floor on the same run, or do you have to do them seperately?

Huisman5 said...

It's not real quiet--we run it while we are out. It will go from carpet to solid floor, but it does get caught in the latch hook rugs I have. I just roll the edges up when I leave and it goes around them. It is really more of a glorified broom, but we have had fun with it. The floors do look nice when I come home.

The J's said...

A glorified broom would be a huge advantage at my house... in fact even someone who swept manually 2x a day would be a huge advantage...!!!

tbdch said...

How fun! I always have wanted one!