I had borrowed. We sat clear at the top of
the bleachers and across the football field from
this stand! Not bad!
Friday was Deidre's graduation! It has been quite a trip down memory lane. I'm one that always, ALWAYS puts things off to the last minute--and then go crazy trying to get them finished. My delayed project this time was putting together a scrapbook for Deidre. It was just her school years--but she started preschool at the ISD (Intermediate School District) at age three! It was fun taking a trip down memory lane and seeing just how far she has come.
When Deidre was in first grade she had an aide start with her. That was a tremendous help. From second grade through fifth she had one aide with her the whole time. We still claim that special lady as a very special part of our lives. Middle school and high school were a struggle, but she made it through.
This next year Deidre will be moving on to an adventure that we are all very excited about. She will be starting a work training program through a transition center in the area. For the first time in many years we feel very positive about the assistance she will be receiving. She is excited too, that she will be training with others that understand her!
It just feels unreal to be at this stage of life with a graduate! It seems like just a couple years ago we were laughing about the fact that she would graduate in the year 2010! And here it is already!
Her party was loads of preparation, but the actual event was so much fun! Wayne and I both enjoyed it--and are already looking forward to doing this again! My only thing is--I just wish I could hang onto this time a little longer! I'm anxious to see where they go in life--but I enjoy this time, too!
And to think, I doubted you. I waited days and days to check your blog thinking you'd be way too busy to update, but lo and behold you exceeded my expectations!
Congratulations to Deidre, again. It bears repeating.
Dear Lori, We knew this time would come and here it is already. We had a good experience with our party to, so I know the next one will got well, too. Here's looking to 2012....NOT!
Love, Your Friend for a very Long time.
Dear Deidre,
Congratulations, my dear. There are sweet memories in the back of my mind about when I visited you years ago. Seeing you throughthe years when you came to see your grandma has been special too.
Love and Best Wishes,
A Happy Face In NE
dear Grads'Mama,
I have not visited your blog in forever, and not sure if i ever left a comment before. But when i saw this post listed off of Shelley's I wanted to come over and say CONGRATULATIONS to Deidre, and to YOU also! What an accomplishment for you ALL, as i know it must have been a joint effort. Somehow it always is.
I remember the time (Could it really have been over 18 years ago?) You visited in AZ and we were both expecting...and Juli too that year. Now your girl and Avie have graduated. Weston will next year. He turns 18 on Monday, but started school later than the girls did. I remember when we told Grandma Ruth we were having a baby, saying she had several expectant Mothers (and unborn babies) to pray for that year. Now those babies have all grown up.
Can't stop time, but glad memories don't stop either
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