Tuesday, June 3, 2008

...And More Happy Feet!

This must be a continuation to others stories around the country, referring to Happy Feet and our little piggies! I had just taken these pictures of my guys working in the garden when I read Amy's post!
I was quite impressed with the boy's helping Dad weed vegetables. They are not fans of beets, onions, spinach, or carrots, but they helped weed them all and didn't even pull them all out in the process!
Nothing like the feel of warm dirt on bare feet!


Anonymous said...

Those are some serious gardeners! While I'd love the produce of a garden that size, but I know I'd be done with the "wanting to weed it" about mid-June. I have seen the results of your garden, though, and know it's an all summer effort. Love the feet!

The J's said...

1/2 my garden got rained out, so now I'll have to see if I have enough ummph to replant some after convention!!

Dalayna said...

What a great looking garden!
Do you want to come plant one for me, too? :D