Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Loving Winter!

I don't know why, but I have just loved this winter! It finally acts like a real winter. We are double our usual snowfall for this time of year--actually we are at what we usually have for the whole winter--and it has stayed cold enough so most of it hasn't melted. Except for our drive to MN and back and frozen water lines it has been pretty enjoyable. Today we are having our fourth snow day. They did increase the amount of snow days since the road commission is cutting back on clearing roads--I don't think we have had a plow down this road yet this winter. Our road is between two school district's so we have twice the bus traffic down it. Anyway, maybe I'll go put another log on the fire!


Lynisha Weeda said...

Enjoy the fire... and the snow! Our snow is a joke this year, we've only had 2 "snows" and not more than a few inches :( I was hoping to take the kids sledding tomorrow but when we drove past the sledding hill, there is hardly any snow on it - and I don't think it's been used much! We keep getting these beautiful 40-60 degree days in between all the cold ones that make me want to forget winter and move onto spring already!

Dalayna said...

Ohh, I'd love a fire!! I so wish we had a fireplace.
Last night it was snowing, a beautiful slow falling snow and I realized that even though we've had over 40" in the last 2-3 months, we havn't really seen it snow like that! It's always wam-bam here's a blizzerd, 6-12" at a time kind of thing.

The J's said...

Enjoy!! Our winter is kind of a joke too. I don't like the cold, but if it's going to be winter, then there should be snow!

Elaine T said...

you just enjoy that snow! We have TULIPS coming up and Elinors pear tree is BUDDING! It's sposed to be 58 tomorrow. Since we're planning to go to Myron's funeral, I don't mind the heatwave! Won't make me feel so bad about missing out on the snowshoeing in CO next wkend, either!