I think we were missed while we were on Spring Break!
This message was waiting for us when we got home!

Deidre and little Miss Cadence
It was so good to see these special people!
We miss them!

Marina and her artwork

"The boy in the red shirt" (Kyle) and Paige
They hit it off well!

All dolled up! So sweet!

Hudson and Paige
Hudson had fun with Carlin, but I missed getting a picture
of the two of them together!

Leaving Grandma's

Morgen and Kaela
Cousin entertainment!

Rod & Luanne Erickson

One big happy family!

Happy Birthday, Carlin!
Thanks for the Coconut Cake, Aunt Elaine!
It was great!

Uncle Roy, Mom, Dawn Peterson, and Blanche

Daddy Rick & Caiden Man

Elaine and Stuart

Cousins are great! My son learning
how to play Poker!!!! He
had a great time!

Thanks for letting us entertain you, Paul!
Happy 50th!
Glad you enjoyed the clown!

Here come the clowns! (except I forgot to post a picture!)

Part of the tribe!
These pictures definitely aren't in order! Slideshow
wasn't wanting to cooperate, so this is what we get!
Greetings to all of you out there! (If you are still there!) I wouldn't be surprised that not many are still checking this out since it has been forever since I have posted anything! I have posted a few things on Face Book--it just seems the quicker way to post, but I do like keeping up on here, too.
April flew by with a special trip over Spring Break to NE. That was such a special time seeing so many special people. We had a family reunion and six of us seven kids were there. Our cousin, Dawn, was also there. It was special to get acquainted with her (and her family). I think there were 45 of us there.
On our way home we got to stop in IL and see our other special "family"! The kids have grown so much! It was fun to see the "big" kids and "little" kids together!
Stay tuned and I will try to get caught up a bit!
Great Pictures! can you email me the one of Rod & Lu? It's a better angle than the one I got!
Hmmm, wonder why Jim was logged into blogger on MY computer?! Anyway, that was me!
Will do!
Good picts. Fun times. Glad we got to see you all for a shor while.
one of the nice features on blogger that I really like is the ability to set it so you can see when there are new posts from someone! I love not having to spend time "blog hopping" to see if there's a new post!! I've been really neglecting my blog lately too, even tho I've managed at least 1 a week for the 52 weeks challange, but I've missed the "basic" stuff. Kind of crazy with first the wedding, reunion, then Relyssa, Meshayla...now school will be out in 1 week, a big Lincoln job coming up, then convention. whew! and now to make matters worse my problem with no internet. AND....please let me know how much I owe for gma's gift!
I kept meaning to e-mail, but now I'm on here & ready to get off, tired of sitting out on the porch balancing this thing on my lap. You can be sure I won't be spending to much time on-line today!! hehe!!
p.s. LOVE the pictures! I'll be nabbing a few.... :D
So glad you're back!!!
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