Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Train Ride

...and a few pictures of our train ride to MN and back. Wasn't until we were home that I realized I hadn't got any of the train! We were always busy fighting our way there--it's a little crazy getting on them to be taking pictures of them! Thanks for going with us, Jean! Glad we could keep you entertained! (sorry the pictures are a little out of order!)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Kittens Galore!

The past few summers Grandma has got kittens while the kids are visiting. This year she got six--then Deidre found three more already on the farm! Quite entertaining--and yes, I still sneeze when I'm around them--but who can resist?! (Sorry for so many pictures on these past couple of posts, but the kids wanted me to put them on here!)

Farm Life

(above) Future pig roast--Mmmmm!

(above) Kyle took this shot of the silos for me
Carlin and Grandpa roofing the garage
New twins and Mama

Carlin loves driving anything he can!

How does your garden grow? Not as well this year!
Kyle and Zoey

I'm a little slow getting this posted. We got back from MN a week ago! Nothing like farm life! I love barns, silos, hills, etc.....
This is Carlin and Deidre's eleventh summer on the farm. I'm not sure how many summers Kyle has spent there--maybe five?! How time flies! It was fun to join them for a while.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Have a Seat....

Wayne kept busy with this little project while we were in MN. I never thought I would love an outhouse.....but this one is just perfect!
It is made of cedar from the shed we just tore down. Looks much cuter, too! It has the moon in the door and the crooked vent pipe on top.
Actually, it's to keep the garbage cans in.
Does anyone know what the moon in the door means? Or a star in the door?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tag--I'm It!

Thanks, Maxine! Guess I'll go along with it though! Hmmm--seven things about me?!

1. I love my morning cup of coffee, (too). And I do love it flavored or plain. I don't like Starbucks coffee though. I always wondered why my Mom always made a bee line for the coffee pot when she got up in the morning! Now I know!

2. I have been an aunt ALL my life--since my nephew is 8 months older than me! (We claimed to be cousins when we went to school together--it was easier that way!)

3. I like to travel--and I especially love to come back home! There's no place like home!

4. I have actually enjoyed all the projects we have had over the past few years. There have been quite the messes, but the finished product (or project) has sure been worth it. It has been fun to try to "help" Wayne with all these projects!

5. I like to mow the lawn--and I need to get off of here and go do it. I haven't got to mow yet this summer, so I am looking forward to doing it now. (I'll continue this later!)

6. I have good intentions to do lots of things--but don't get them all accomplished. I am interested in scrapbooking and have collected lots of stuff-but don't have time to do it--yet.

7. During the school year I get to spend lunch with 55+ kids! (think ONE kid can create a mess-- seeing what that many will create!)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

On The Road Again....

....except this time it's going to be on the tracks again. The boys and I are heading to MN tomorrow to see Grandma and Grandpa. I'll be there for ten days and Deidre will come back with me. The kids are all excited to be taking their first train ride. It will be great not having to drive through Chicago!

Happy TRails!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The All American Pie!

We should be able to enjoy a few cherry pies this year. The boys and I picked three dishpans full. They were dwarf cherry trees and the branches were dragging on the ground from the weight. Very tasty though!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Another Eyesore Gone--Almost!

We (the guys) worked on a project that we have wanted to do for the past thirteen years! The old shed behind our house is now history. It has been replaced by the new addition. Now is the clean-up, but at least the biggest eyesore is gone!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth
Of July!

Everyone have a wonderful, safe,